So soft ♥ ♥ ♥

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Our relationship with plants ♪

Weekly Blog 1 ♪

Posted on 09 June 2012, 14:43
Last updated 09 June 2012, 21:28

I'm glad to say that the first week was more fruitful than I thought!!!

Before going to camp, the workshops sounded boring as we thought.
After going to camp, the speakers sounded interesting enough in my opinion!

First, we caught a glimpse of the basic techniques of Translation e.g. word-for-word translation, idiomatic translation, and free translation. It was really fun and creative! The sophistication of the inter-changing between Chinese and English was so fascinating that, I felt like I really needed to improve my Chinese in order to be able to do some Translation work!!!

Second, I got my first taste on playing drama! L♥VE it!!! I got to act as a granny plus teacher in my drama group! Everyone in the group tried to work the drama out so seriously and creatively. I think the rehearsal was totally awesome and infectious! Definitely looking forward to acting with my group-mates next Monday!!!

Choral speaking was cool too. Though the teacher was too busy coaching other groups, my group were again, very serious but with fun! We managed to allocate different lines to different individuals, try interesting groupings, and design stage positions all by ourselves! I just wish we got some advice from the teacher too...

Viewing the first week in camp, I found that I had more chances to know more about my Chinese-major fellows. It was really nice! Let's keep this going and work out our language proficiency together!!!

Remark: The right- and left-hand sides are the photos of my visits to KFBG and JW Marriott Hotel HK. To see more photos and bloggings, please check out the collection of BA Camp Visits ♪ at the box below :)

Beds & Hotel ♪

Wine & Hotel ♪

Art & Hotel ♪