Add Artefact to Page - Files and Folders

You can add files and folders (that were previously uploaded to Files) to your Mahara Pages


To add Files to your Mahara Page:

▼ Click the Media tab. Drag the File(s) to download block into your page.

▼ You will see a dialogue box open. Remember we added some files earlier? Here you can add a file from your Portfolio, or quite handily, Mahara allows you to upload a new file into your View from this block's interface. Click Select, next to the file you want to add (if the files are inside folders, then click on the folder to select files). You can select multiple files. You will see your file has now moved to the top, listed under the Files label.

"File(s) to download" is the default Block Title, or you can rename it.

▼ You can now see your file on your View available as a download.

To add a Folder:

▼ The procedure pretty much same as add file. Now click and drag in the A Folder block . You can make a folder from your files area available on any one of your view pages, including your Profile Page. This will make it possible for your audience to download any of the files that are available in that folder. If you have several files, this will be much faster than using the File(s) to Download block several times. You can see my example here that I add a folder call "week 1" to my View.