Journals is a tool with which you can record your thoughts and experiences online. By adding your journals or individual posts of it to a page you can allow other users to place feedback and comments on it. Thus, you can create a dialogue with your audience.
By default, only one Journal is available. Please follow the following steps to create multiple journals for writing different journals to different audience.
1: Go to Settings and ;
2: Check the Multiple Journals checkbox;
3: Click Save to save your changes.
▼ Click into Content > Journals.
After editing the settings, let's start by seeing how to make a brand new journal. Click on the button at the top right-hand corner labeled Create Journal.
▼ On the next screen, you will have to enter a title and description for your journal. Mahara handily gives you some examples of the kind of titles and descriptions that could be used. You can also add some tags for your journal, so that later you can search your journals easier. Go ahead and fill in the information, and when you have finished, click Create Journal.
▼ You will see your new journal displayed on your Journals page. Now that we have created our first journal, let's see how we can add entry (post) to it. Click on the name of the journal you created earlier in the far left-hand column. Here you will see a button called Settings; click on it. This will take you back to the page you first edited when you set up your journal. You will also see the words: "0 entries". It's mean you have no entry inside that journal. It's time to add one!
▼ Click the New entry button to add entry. You will see the familiar options to add title,body, and tags again. Remember that this time you are adding a single journal entry. You will see that you have some more really useful options available here.
- Click Add a file to add a file to your journal from either your hard drive or your Mahara file system.
- You also have the option to toggle this entry as a Draft by placing the check mark in the check box. This means that should you choose to allow access to a view containing your journal in the future, this particular entry will remain private until you take away that check mark.
- You can also check the Allow comments box if you want to receive comments on the journal entry.
▼ You can add images to your journal entry in two ways:
- Use an image that you have uploaded to Mahara (right click on the file name, choose Copy Shortcut OR Copy Link Address).
- Link to the image that is available elsewhere online.
Here is the step you link to an image online:
- Go to the visual editor and click on the Image
button .
- Image URL: Paste or type the image URL into this field. It must start with http:// or https://.
- Description: Provide a brief description for your image.
- Alignment: Select the alignment of the image in relation to the text.
- Dimensions: Change the size of your image. If the image is recognised correctly, you have the image’s dimensions displayed.
- Border: Add a simple black border to your image if you wish to do so.
- Vertical / Horizontal space: Add more space around the image by adding a number in Vertical space and / or Horizontal space.
- Click the Insert button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button if you want to abort inserting the image.
▼ After you Save entry, you will see the date of entry, and you will have the options to edit and delete it later. In my example, you can see that I have attached an online image into the entry.
As you add entry to your journal, your entry will display the most recent entry first. Later, you can add your journal entry or whole journal to your Page or Profile.