The Purpose of KFBG Visit RSS
A Day of Exploring the Interconnection with Nature
Inspired by Satish’s public talks about holistic education and future of food last year in HKU, I strongly believe such knowledge worth spreading if we still want to leave a GREEN EARTH for our next generation. I hope this visit will allow you all to explore different areas and meanings of life, such as Mother Earth, sustainability and holistic education which will definitely broaden your world-views and raise your awareness towards the latest global issues that concerns you, alongside with improving your language proficiency.
A. Date: 5th and 6th June, 2012
B. Language: English and Putonghua
C. Lunch: Self-prepare or pre-purchase at Sun Garden Café (ONLY vegetarian meals are available). Pre-order is necessary.
D. Proposed visit schedule for EACH day:
We will divide 40 students into group A and group B.
Each group will have 19/20 students + 1 teacher.
Activity Ⅰ Holistic Education Introduction (and discussion)
Content: Introduce Holistic Education at KFBG, Satish Kumar and his talk ‘Holistic Education- Learning with Your Whole Being’. This session through Satish’s video will lead students to rethink or think deeply what the meaning of the word “education” is and the current education system better
Venue: Sky Room
Language: English in video and Putonghua in discussion
Activity Ⅱ Talk of Food Ecology
Content: Introduction of how our daily choices of food related to human wellbeing, the health of the Earth and the health of economy and society from a holistic perspective. Group discussion and short video clips will be included.
Venue: Sky Room
Student homework: KFBG can provide 6-9 issues related to the talk for groups of students to do researches and then they can give presentations on their researched topics the other day and they can also share their homework to Holistic Education team.
Language: Putonghua
Activity Ⅲ Animal Encounter with Hearts
Content: Introduce of why animals and biodiversity are important to the ecosystem and how are we are interrelated to the biodiversity and how we can re-connect with animals through compassion, friendship, trust and empathy. Messages include how we can choose food/ Chinese medicine and clothes, and situation of trade pets…etc.
Students might be able to hold the python. To be confirmed with Fauna dept.
Venue: Piers Jacobs Wildlife Sanctuary and the Reptile and Amphibian House
Language: English
Activity Ⅳ Eco-Garden and Fruit Forest Tour + Tea Break
Content: Introduction of sustainable living concept and organic farming demonstrations. If the condition is ok, students will have a chance to get in touch with the soil and plants to harvest some herbs for making herbal tea later on.
Venue: Eco-Garden, Fruit Forest and Sun Garden Café
Language: Putonghua
Time Group A Group B
09:30 – 11:00
(1.5 hours) Activity Ⅰ Activity Ⅳ
11:00 – 12:30
(1.5 hours) Activity Ⅲ Activity Ⅰ
12:30 – 13:30
(1 hour) Lunch Break
Venue: Plaza
13:30 – 15:00
(1.5 hours) Activity Ⅱ Activity Ⅲ
15:00 – 16:30
(1.5 hours) Activity Ⅳ Activity Ⅱ
16:30 – 17:00
(30 minutes) Debriefing/ discussion (in groups)
Venue: Plaza
E. Global issues for students’ assignments: with action plan/ various reference source
1. The comparison between organic farming (i.e. nature farming, organic farming and biodynamic farming) and Mono-cropping, industrial farming related to water resource, soil, biodiversity, environment and biomass...etc. issues.
2. Industrial animal farming relates to animal welfare, environment pollution (i.e. greenhouse gas and water pollution) and health issues (i.e. food security, human health).
3. Genetically Modified organism/seeds relate to its impact to ecology, ecosystem, ethics, human health and (small) farmers (i.e. American and Indian farmers).
4. Globalization and global food chain and production relate to ecosystem degradation, rain forest and biodiversity loss, climate change, third world country people’s fairness (i.e. fair trade).
5. The study of Food Miles from upstream/ supplying to downstream/ decomposing, including food production, energy consumption, packaging, food left over waste...etc.
6. The study of Plant-based, organic, healthy and low carbon diet including the risk of food additive.
7. Limited planet with unlimited growth? Study of Buddhist economics, community economics and alternative/ transition economics/ economics for a finite planet.
8. What is the relationship between happiness and economic growth? Study of Gross National Happiness in Bhutan; the relationship between economics/ consumerism and happiness.
F. Suggested items to bring along:
1. Students should wear good walking shoes, trainers and comfortable clothes, and travel light. Please use a small backpack to carry your personal items.
2. The weather will be hot in June. Please bring your own non-disposable water bottle. There is a cold and hot water supply at Kadoorie Farm.
3. A hat, a handkerchief, sun glasses, sun blocks, natural mosquito repellent and other personal cares would be suggested.
4. If there is a possibility of rain, please bring a raincoat or umbrella with you.
5. Please DO NOT wear perfumes or strong fragrances to avoid attracting bees or other insects.
6. Please bring your own PENS and NOTEPADS for writing notes and cameras if needed. You are required to take down notes for your assignments in the workshops later. All workshop assignments are based on the knowledge impart to you on this visit.
G. Following up after the workshop:
7. Students’ feedbacks after the workshop through their daily reflection.
8. Students’ presentations of their Summer Camp assignments.
KFBG will attend your final presentation at HKIEd campus.
All your Powerpoints and articles will be handed over to KFBG for educational purpose as KFBG gives talks and workshops to school teachers about those topics you will work on for your writing and also Powerpoints.
H. Suggested books list:
Book Name Author Publisher
1 Holistic Education Anne Phillips Green Books Ltd.
2 Earth Pilgrim Satish Kumar Green Books Ltd.
3 No Destination Satish Kumar Green Books Ltd.
4 Small is Beautiful – A Study of Economics as if People Mattered
(Eng version) E. F. Schumacher Harper Perennial (Reprint edition)
小即是美:M型社會的出路 (中文版) 修馬克 立緒
5 Prosperity without Growth: Economics for a Finite Planet (Eng version) Tim Jackson Routledge
誰說經濟一定要成長? Tim Jackson 早安財經文化
6 Soil Not Oil (Eng version) Vandana Shiva South End Press
大地,非石油 (中文版) 范達娜.席娃 綠色陣線協會
7 Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge (Eng version) Vandana Shiva South End Press
生物剽竊:自然及知識的掠奪 (中文版) 范達娜.席娃 綠色陣線協會
8 Breakfast of Biodiversity: the Political Ecology of Rain Forest Destruction
(Eng version) Vandana Shiva Food First Books (Revised Edition edition)
生物多樣性的早餐:破壞雨林的政治生態學 (中文版) 范達娜.席娃 綠色陣線協會
9 Sharing the Harvest: A Citizen’s Guide to Community Supported Agriculture
(Eng version) Robyn Van En, Elizabeth Henderson Chelsea Green Publishing (Rev Exp edition)
種好菜,過好生活 (中文版) 羅萍.凡恩、伊利莎白.韓德森 商周出版
10 The Secret Life of Plants (Eng version) Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird. William Morrow
植物的祕密生命 (中文版) 彼得‧湯京士,克里斯多福‧柏德 台灣商務
11 Spiritual Compass Satish Kumar Green Books Ltd.
12 You Are, Therefore I Am Satish Kumar Green Books Ltd.
13 Only Connect: Soil, Soul, Society: The Best of Resurgence Magazine, 1990-1999 Editor:
John Lane, Maya Kumar Mitchell Chelsea Green Publishing Company
*The books with orange highlight can be purchased at KFBG farm shop.
Suggested DVDs list:
1. Animate Earth: Science, Intuition & Gaia
2. Schooling the World
3. Food Inc.
4. The Economics of Happiness
5. The story of stuff
6. 11 hours
7. Forks Over Knives
8. Planeat
You are highly encouraged to GOOGLE these topics as there are short clips available online. Some of the books can be found from HKIEd library and also other local universities. Please use HKALL for the search