Profile Information
Dr Bick-har Lam is currently an associate professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. She obtained her degrees of bachelor in education and master in education from the University of East Anglia in the UK, and her PhD from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dr Lam was a faculty member of the Hong Kong Baptist University and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University before she joined the Institute. She was a secondary school teacher prior to joining the higher education sector. Dr Lam is a prolific researcher and writer in the field of curriculum and instruction. She has taken up leadership of a number of pedagogical-based and teacher studies in such areas as “mass lecture and tutorials”, and ‘studying exemplary teachers’ knowledge”, and a series of studies on outcome-based learning by the Teaching Development Grant. She is currently involved in a local study on ethnic minority students which is supported by the General Research Fund of the University Grants Committee, and an international project on adolescent’s art between cultural borders supported by the International Society of Education through Art. Dr Lam’s most recent books include Learning and Teaching in the Chinese Classroom (with S. N. Phillipson, 2011), Young people’s visions of the world (co-edited with T. T. Eca and R. Kroupp, 2010), Curriculum Integration: An Institute–school Partnership Approach (2009). She was a syllabus writer and course developer for a number of undergraduate teacher education courses for the Open University of Hong Kong (1993, 1996, 2002), and has been a programme leader and developer for Hong Kong government-commissioned teacher professional development courses. She has also developed the Active Classroom (A Class) as a study platform ( for teachers to enhance professional teacher knowledge. Dr Lam has been recipient of the Institute’s Faculty of Education Studies Excellence in Teaching Award 2009/10 ( and the President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Teaching 2011/12. She was nominated by the Institute for the Inaugural University Grants Committee Teaching Award in 2011 ( and was awarded a certificate by the UGC for being one of the six finalists for the UGC Teaching Award 2011.
Research Interests
Teacher Knowledge, Expertise and Expert Teachers, Classroom Analsysis, Pedagogical-based Studies and Curriculum Studies
on 7 May 2012
Dr Lam Bick Har (middle) is presented with the President's Award for Outstanding Performance in Teaching 2011/12