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My last week of summer camp

in Journal

四星期的夏令營終於完結, 回想三個多月前的爭辯與反感, 以及最後的屈服, 再一次感嘆時間的威力。

但不管這其他參加者或獲邀者在夏令營有入什麼得著或感受, 我的評價是正面的。最初的營日子很難熬, 是因為打從心低裡對這活動沒好感, 但日子久了, 感覺與以往早起然後上課的日子沒兩樣, 便習慣了當中的生活。

至於活動的安排, 事實上是有點不解, 可能是有同學對某主題有莫大興趣, 因此很多日子我們都反覆研討有關版權和寫作相關的題目。但......太不平均了! 一連兩星期只上兩種課, 而且與第一第二星期的對比太大......真的要說, 第一第二星期給我的感覺更像入營的生活呢.......

但第四星期還是有令人有所學習的地方。花道課......我以為是學日本花道的知識, 但原來是小雞製作! 雖然作品完成的不錯~

而最後一課, Ms Michele 給我們的兩句十分受用。"You never have the second chance to make the first impression" 與 "People never see what you have done, they only see what you haven't done."這令我很感慨, 卻又是事實。但不管如何, 能在這個夏令營中有所得著, 都是令人高興的。

My Third week in Summer Camp

in Journal

This is my review of my third week summer camp.

It looks like a merry-go-round to me when this week comes to an end. It happened so fast as we keep on having the same class and the same schedule. Differences between first week, second week to third week are too big that I still have a little bit confused.

But this week is a totally different contents. Copyright classes are actually something really differ from what I've imagined. I thought of classes about a regular base learning on the topic of copyright, with homework attach after every lessons. Infact, it would be better to think of another type of talk which use up the lessons' time. But some of the guest speakers are good. For example, Andy is a funny person who speaks a lot about himself, and Jerffey is a nice man with considering the games he prepare for us. They are good, but it would be better not to use the name of "copyright" as the introduction.

Secondly is the journalism classes. As it is named with the assignment given in first week, we enter to the world of how to write a good newspaper by discussion and presentation. It is not something special though, it is still happy to meet a nice japanese tutor.

Apart from visiting in week 1 and 2, this week we have enjoyed a performance called acappella. That is real fun! I particularly have interest in the vocal mimicry. Although I am not good at that, it is still a nice try~

My second week in summer camp

in Journal

This is the feedback of my second week summer camp.

Time runs out fast! Soon this is the second of the whole camp. However, due to many reasons, I have miss few classes. What a pity!

But things turn out to be good and fine. The drama class and the recitation class remind me when I was a secondary student. Picking up the skills about how to act and how to read out loud are once again becoming a challenge for me. Coordinating the crew is also one of my concerns. Though the lovely prince and princess and the others have done it so well that I can't wait to see the final performance!

Secondly is the translation class. I am not sure if I am having clear understanding about this field after the classes, but surely it is not going to be my future career. The part talking about interpreter is kinda fun, it is still too restrictive for me. I still prefer work that has enough space for me to free my mind!

Well, the most amazing I have learned this week is not about acting and translation though, but the visit in Cathy Pacify. Honestly, I cannot get much information about the jobs they are possibly recruiting like flight attendant, I mean I know more than the things that tourlady had told me! She did a good job when introducing the facilities of the building, but keep on asking "Is there any questions?" is not a good idea, especially when you haven't say anything about the place we are visiting! 

Wish next week can be better as we are going to spend most of our time in hall.

Besides, it is not a happy journey as I feel I am insulted. I can never understand why a group of university-level students can be so childhood-like, is it too hard for them to quiet down for 5-mins?And thinking someone who try to stop them is an act of fool? Come on!

First Week in programme summer camp

in Journal

This is the reflection of my first week summer camp.

The whole week is kind of chaos for me as it is the begining this camp --- or another studying period. With visits and non-stoping lessons that we are and will go to attend, I strat worrying about the next three weeks.

In spite of the worry in exposing myself in such massive information, this week is meaningful. A talk focusing on journalism, details about the Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers and workshops of recitation and drama in mandarin and so forth, I have a clearer mind and think more about my future career, and how to use my two years.

Beside the informative stuff I have listened to, the pleasure i served on the vist in KFBG(Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden)is still a nice experience.

Although I have already learned about the problems caused by food industries, the talk held by HKU is rather inspiring. Mr. Satish's goal is simple but difficult, however thoughtful. I particularly remember his speech about how the well educated make all the mess to this world. And the first time encountering with a snack and a deer is amazing. But It is essential for me to use more mosquito repellent when going to someplace link this. At the end, I am delighted that I can still have another chance to nurture a plant. Wish I have a good result!

The second visit is to the JW Marriot Hotel(HK). It is informative, and fast, and careful. The word we heard the most is 'gather round' and 'be quiet', which makes the tour a bit serious. I have to admit that the place i beautiful and gorgeous, but things will getting funnier when we know more. Unfortunately we know too little on hotel management. Infact, the manager is the one who have something more for us to dig in. Two hours is short, and we just know about the surface if it.

Nevertheless, this is good for us to get prepare on our future. As not much time is left, the lessons are still making me think more for myself.

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