About Learning Korean

This application is suitable for the traveller to Korean. With this application, you are able to learn the different common phrase in order to communicate with the locals.

The is comparatively focusing in teach us how to pronounce the Korean phrase, instead of learning how to write and read. There are a lot of categories found in this application, like the common phrase, emergency, greetings. Thus, when you have time, you can click inside the app and listen for the pronunciation of the application.

There is roman pronunciation under the Korean words in order to let you take as a reference. If you found hard to read, you can press the microphone button under the phrase and you may listen to the accurate pronunciation of the certain word. If you found that word is a useful word, you may have starred the phrase and add it to the favourite list, which makes you more easy to check the word next time.

In order to let the user, learn how to pronounce the word well, there is a turtle next to the speaker which allows you to listen to the phrase in a relatively slower pace, which allows you to listen carefully and follow the speaker to say the word accurately. This design is specifically for the beginners as they may found hard to pronounce a new language. (224 words)

How mobile technologies facilitate my learning

With the rapid pace of the advent of new mobile technologies, there is more functional application being invented for the use of education. We can check up for information of words that we do not understand, and also the knowledge that we are interested to get eye to. Besides of learning Chinese and English, it is useful for us to use these applications to learn Korean or other foreign languages. As I am staying in Hong Kong and lack of chances to practice communicating with others in Koreans, so I can use these applications to learn of phrase and words, so as to communicate well with the Koreans when I go to Korea for travelling. When I read Korean books, I might find hard because some Korean words are hard to understand and new for me, so I can type in Koreans and check out for the English meaning. Thus, this kind of applications can facilitate my progress in learning a new language. (162 words)

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  • Video of Learning Korean Details

    Download Video of Learning Korean [22.3MB]}
    Subtitle: 大家好啊,今天我要跟大家分享兩個學韓文很有用的應用程式。一個叫LEARNING KOREAN,而另一個就叫NAVER DICTIONARY。那麼就讓我們先看一下LEANRNING KOREAN這個應用程式。這個就是它的主頁面。當你按下這一個apps時,我們就可以看到其實他已經為我們分門別類,有很多不同的學習範疇,比如說是一些比較日常的說話用語、一些危急時會說的話,或是一些跟別人初次見面會說的話。按下去,我們就可以看到很多不同的話句每當我們按下去時,也能跟着應用程式一起讀出詞語。譬如「when」一字,發音為「언제요」,而另外有一些句子可能相對比較長,讓我們學習起來會有一點困難,如「실례합니다」這一句說話,對於剛剛學韓文的人來說會比較困難,難以模仿,那麼我們可以按下在傳聲筒旁的「烏龜按鈕」,那麼就能把話語的語速放慢,而這個功能非常適合初學者,這是因為他們在初學時不能一次過把句子很快的唸出來,而運用這個功能的話就能把句子放慢來讀,讓初學者更容易模仿說話。而當我認為「sorry」的韓文非常有用,我就能按下這個字旁的「星星按鈕」把詞語收藏,而在日後就能在畫面右上角的正方形按鈕找出句子,方便日後查閱。
  • Video of Naver Dictationary Details

    Download Video of Naver Dictationary [34.5MB]}
    Subtitle: 剛才已經跟大家分享了怎樣用這個「LEARNING KOREAN」的應用程式,現在就跟大家分享一下怎樣用「NAVER DICTIONARY」這個應用程式。好,讓我再進入多一次這個應用程式。當你一進入這個應用程式的時候她就會問你到底是「Korean learner」還是「English learner」,那麼大家按「Korean learner」就可以了。那麼我們可以看到這個就是主頁面,在主頁面中有兩個主要的專欄,分別是「today Korea’s conversation」和「idiomatic expression」。後者是介紹一些有關韓文的諺語,而今天的那一句的意思就是「一直不說話」,而韓文的讀音和寫法就是「꿀 먹은 벙어리」。以我們把主頁面向上滑的話,就能看到今天的韓文句子和對話,在頁面的這個位置就能看到,而按下這一個「script掣」就能清楚看到整個對話的韓文字稿,而你按一下亦能把對話聆聽。而在每一句的下面亦有清楚的英文字解釋,而我們亦能翻閱每一句的意思,方便自己學韓文。若你想把這一句說話在聆聽多一次,你就能按下句子旁的播放按鈕,那麼你就能只是把這一句句子再聆聽多一次。而為什麼我會非常欣賞這一個功能呢?就是因為當我搜尋什麼也好,它可以把我所有的不明白也解釋得一清二楚。例如若我輸入了中文句子的話,他就會把句子翻譯成韓文。以我把韓文輸入的話,亦能羅列出詳盡的英語和中文意思。有些人可能不會寫韓文字,而這裏也設有手寫板功能讓使用者把韓文詞語抄寫下來。可惜這一部份因為技術故障的原因無法展現。若果不會寫的話我們也可以用韓文的鍵盤來輸入韓語。例如我用了韓文的鍵盤輸入了「하하」一字,解作「哈哈」,當你按下去的話就會把很多不同的意思羅列出來,更甚會有例句展現,而例句旁也有播放按鈕,讓你聆聽一下例句的讀音。故此我們可以發現,這個應用程式是非常方便供我們學習韓文,而這個程式的準確度更遠遠超越「Google translate」的,所以很多韓國當地的人遇到不明白的詞語時也會運用這個應用程式來翻查。今天跟大家分享的韓語學習應用程式亦就此結束,謝謝大家聆聽。

About Naver Dictionary

Naver dictionary is a really common application used by the Koreans to check up for Korean words. The definition of the word is more accurate than google translate as this application is specifically designed for those who learn Korean. After you enter the page, you have to choose Korean learner instead of English learner.

It is because this application also allows Korean people to learn English. After you entered the page, you can find there are two sections – Today’s Korean conversation and Idiomatic Expression.


This two section will be updated every day in order to introduce you new idioms in Koreans with a picture to arouse your attention, and also the common conversation of Korean people. There are four lines of conversation every day and you can press the button to listen to the conversation. There is also a script for you as a reference. I found it really useful when listening to it every day.

  Like other dictionaries, after entering the word in English, you can find the Korean words and also some examples, to teach you how to use the vocabulary. At the same time, you can also enter Korean letters to get the Chinese meaning, which is also useful for us to learn Korean. There is also another function like text recognition, phrase transformer etc. You guys may download the app to use these functions too! (226 words)