Summer Camp in Week Two
Last updated 18 June 2012, 0:44
It talks about my feeling in summer camp.
This week, we are going to rehearsal for drama and recitation.It is so funny.
This is my first performance in HKIED. Our group is presenting a Chinese drama,
therfore we have dressed like an ancient people, which is quite interesting.
The rehearsal is so tough, we have to rehearsal twice each day to memorize all the
sentences and steps.
I understand that the sucess of the performance relies on the cooperation of all
involved parties. It is not an individual performance,
we need to work together to perform a perfect show.
In the rehearsal, we work together and help each other,
luckily we all can do well and memorize all the steps we have to perform which is
quite difficult.
Also, there is a last session in translation, we have to do an assessment,first part is
an individual part and the second one is group. For the group work,
we work together to translate an article written in Chinese, which is a tough
task for me because I have not learnt translation before. However, we cooperate and luckily we can finish our task.
Finally, we go to British Council on Friday, we listen a talk about
how the organization teach English in a communicative way, for example,
discussion, not just sit alone and do it by yourself, you have to talk with your
group mate. I think this method is quite good for Hong Kong students in learning English
They have to speak English to finish the task which usually they do not in their lessons.