Step 6: Write your Learner Plan

Enable Multiple Journals

By default, only one Journal is available. Please follow the following steps to create multiple journals for writing different journals to different audience. 

1:  Go to Settings and ;

2: Check the Multiple Journals checkbox;

3: Click Save to save your changes.

Create Journal

Content > Journals

1: Choose Content > Journals > Create journal;

2: You may type a new title for the journal (eg.EEP 2013/14) ;

3: In order to locate or search, you should add Description to your journal;

4: Enter a Tags name EEP for this journal;

5: Click Create journal to complete.

New Entry

To start writing a journal, click New entry on the right hand side of your new EEP 2013/14 Journal.


To write Learner Plan

1: Enter the title Learner Plan;

2: Enter the Learner Plan's content;

3: Enter a Tags name EEP-Others for this entry

4: Click Save entry to save your entry or the Cancel button to abort your changes.

 Draft: Mark your entry as a draft if you have not finished it yet. This is especially helpful if you have published your journal in a page, but do not want anybody to read this particular entry (yet). It is always visible to you, but not others.

Allow comments: Check this box if you want to receive comments on the journal entry

A new journal is published

A journal entry is published. By using the following buttons, you can make changes to the journal entry.

Unpublish button Unpublish: If you don’t want to publish your journal entry, click “Unpublish” to return your entry to the “Draft” status.
Edit button Edit: Edit the information and settings you have entered for the journal entry like the title and contents etc.
Delete button Delete: Delete the Journal entry.

Please note that though you have created you “Journal”, people cannot see your Journal until you put the journal into your page.

Next: Add "Learner Plan" to an EEP page.